Elections 2023
In just under a year, Garwood has become one “hot mess.” Committees imploding, the police force with public threats to quit, spending out of control, bigger and bigger government, debt ready to explode, the council vilifying and abusing the Board of Education, governing body members found lying to residents, constant damage control mode. I have never endorsed anyone for council since “ever,” but as a Democrat, and based on quality comparisons, I am reaching across the aisle to endorse the three Garwood Republican council candidates.
Observing the Democrat candidates, one was heard at a council meeting dismissively stated that a resident was wrong. Negative predisposition is not a good quality for sitting on council. The second candidate said he does not want to be friends with me, a resident who has been deeply involved in Garwood for 25 years. Close mindedness, avoidance of conversation reflects ignorance. The third candidate, of serious concern, has made numerous statements in social media mocking parents and their children; and deceptively wants to sell out Garwood to Union County government. If you have read my many letters, they are a corrupted system of government. He works there and so embraces.
To the Republican council candidates, I have held intense conversations with them face to face and via social media about Garwood’s issue. One candidate recognizes the issues and fully wants to help Garwood thru them. The second candidate has shown fervor in digging deep on the finances of Garwood making suggestions to council well before she decided to become a candidate. The third candidate already sitting on council and concerned, has asked probing questions on the workings and requests internal to Garwood’s operations. But sadly, she is only part of the minority. All three exhibit no comparison to the unconcerned, no- questions- asked bobbleheads most of the council has become.
The recent Republican Meet and Greet downtown has reinforced my convictions. Surprisingly, we found many Democrats attending, wanting to cross the political divide to support the Republicans. You will always get partisan voters, closed minded and voting down the line. But if residents are paying attention to what is happening in our Garwood, and the quality of the candidates offered by both political parties, there is only one set of candidates with the energy and acumen ready to help Garwood clean up this “hot mess”. Vote for the three Republican Ladies, Anwander, Capobianco and Herz. Thank you.
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