The season of magic, lights, love, and faith. Many of us wait each year for this special time to spread good cheer. Well, why isn’t it something we do all year? Why do we wait for the Holiday season to allow ourselves to spread good cheer and kindness to others?
Imagine more magic in our everyday lives — looking at the sunrise, a bird or flowing river, for the magic they really are. Stop rushing and be aware. There is magic all around us! Try to be the light to shine on others in their darkness. Give someone a ride to an appointment, donate/share food with a shelter or elderly neighbor. Donate your time at a church or temple. Be kind.
All year long, love is free, and the rewards are priceless. It costs nothing to be more loving to others. Try a simple kind word (when you really want to scream), a smile, a nod, holding a door — kind gestures bring joy to people living through the daily grind. Sometimes “just listen,” really listen. Be loving.
For many, faith is where we go when all else fails. But that isn’t faith; it’s fear. Faith and fear cannot exist in the same space. We all need to know we are not alone on this journey. Faith is someone, something, some belief that helps us to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. Celebrate the Holidays of your faith, but don’t forget it’s a spiritual time. Stay humble, pray, meditate, chant. Be faithful.
Youth & Family Counseling Service wishes all a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah and all the joys of your Holiday season. We hope it’s a feeling of magic you experience ALL YEAR!
Don’t wait for miracles. Your whole life is a miracle — Albert Einstein. *** Carol M. Pedro is a licensed therapist with Youth and Family Counseling Service, 233 Prospect Street, Westfield, N.J. 07090; (908) 2332042. Website: