SCOTCH PLAINS – The Jazz Duo of Bill Carter and Warren Cooper will perform a free concert at Willow Grove Church On Sunday, September 29, at 4 p.m. At about 5:15 p.m., there will be a buffet dinner of Italian foods from Fabio's restaurant and desserts by members of the church, at the affordable price of $10 per person ages 13 and higher, payable at the door by cash or check. Children under 13 are welcome for free. Bios of the concert performers and details about the menu are posted on the church website: To feed body and spirit, there will be a short meditation from the pastor before dessert. This message will be designed to help and inspire everyone, regardless of religious background and may help to meditate in the week after.
Community Calendar
September 19, 2024
Concert and Buffet Dinner At Willow Grove Church
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