WESTFIELD — The Westfield Memorial Library recently hired a part-time community liaison to develop, coordinate and implement community-centered services and events that respond to existing and emergent community needs such as mental health, substance abuse, and housing issues for people of all ages. The library is located at 550 East Broad Street.
Westfield resident Jack Serzan, who holds a Bachelor of Arts in Social Work from Seton Hall University, and a Master of Social Work from Rutgers University, New Brunswick, also has internship experience working with both high- school and middle- school students. He currently volunteers as an alumni service co-coordinator for the Alpha Phi Omega Service Fraternity, aiding several colleges and universities in the area as well. Additionally, he co-founded the Payment 4 Placements chapter at Rutgers University, an advocacy movement dedicated to getting social- work students paid for their internship.
As part of his new position, Mr. Serzan hopes to be able to provide services to individuals and families who might not be getting the appropriate support and care they deserve. “I want to provide a safe and inclusive space for everyone and want to help people succeed,” he said.
“I also hope to work with community organizations to bring awareness to important issues within our community. More than anything, I want to give back to the community that gave me the roadmap to success,” Mr. Serzan stated.
Mr. Serzan is available for appointments or drop-in sessions 16 to 20 hours a week. To arrange an appointment with him, call (908) 8455075, email him at jserzan@wmlnj.org, or drop by the library Mondays and Wednesdays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Tuesday, 2 to 6 p.m.; Thursday, 5 to 9 p.m.; and every other Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
“While our librarians are highly trained in responding to the informational needs of Westfield residents, it has become apparent that this isn’t always enough,” said Library Director Allen McGinley. “A social worker is better positioned to assess individual and community needs, connect residents to appropriate resources, and advocate for their well-being.
“Whether it’s literacy and lifelong learning, or addressing social issues and mental-health challenges,” Mr. McGinley continued, “the library’s goal is always to increase the quality of life for Westfield residents.” The library provides additional support services to the community through several groups that meet monthly. On the first Wednesday of every month, from 12:30 to 2 p.m., Latch and Learn, a breastfeeding support group, meets at the library. This group allows moms to connect with other moms and have their breastfeeding questions answered. It is facilitated by two International Board Certified Lactation Consultants from LatchEd New Jersey, Carli Fernandez, BSN, IBCLC, and Alisse Montgomery, BSN, IBCLC.
The Beyond Divorce Support Group meets the second Thursday of every month, at 7 p.m., and is facilitated by Melissa Schwartzman, LCSW. This group is designed to provide participants with understanding, compassion and guidance from others who truly understand the challenging transition of divorce. The group serves as a place of emotional support, practical advice and sharing to help participants move forward with confidence.
On the third Thursday of every month, between 12 and 1 p.m., new mothers can seek refuge in the Postpartum Group. New moms often find themselves overwhelmed with a mix of emotions as they enter postpartum, feeling exhausted, overjoyed, anxious, sad, happy and grateful. This group, which is facilitated by a Postpartum therapist, Kristina Cofone, LCSW PMHC, ensures new mothers that they are not alone in whatever they are experiencing.
Additionally, the organization Prevention Links sets up a table at the library on the first Wednesday of every month, between 12 and 2 p.m., to offer a variety of resources to prevent addiction, support recovery, and strengthen families in New Jersey.
To register for these programs, sign up for a library card, or learn more about the library’s resources, visit the library’s website at https:/ /wmlnj.org/. Library hours are Monday through Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; and Sunday, 1 to 5 p.m. The library will be closed on Monday, February 17, for Presidents Day.