Katie Moen
A HAPPY ENDING....Three members of the Clark Police Department (Detective Paul Sosnowski, Detective Bruce McDonald and Officer Ronny Taborda) pose with their pups (Ozzy, Zeus and Capri) in front of the Clark Police station. All three pups were found abandoned in a bucket on the the side of the road last year before being adopted.
Main, News
Happy Ending For Pups Found at Clark Intersection
CLARK — Last December, on one of the coldest nights of the year, a litter of puppies was found abandoned in a construction bucket on the side of the road at an intersection in Clark. The pups, who were only about a week old at the time that they were found, were freezing, covered in fleas and suffering from malnutrition when they were brought in to Clark Police headquarters before being transferred into the care of a New Jersey rescue organization, where they had to undergo several weeks of me...