GARWOOD — Garwood infrastructure came into question as a resident raised a question about how fees and road moratoriums compared to other local towns.
Resident Michelle Capobianco said she had noticed new ordinances passing in other towns that had to do with street paving. Ms. Capobianco said she looked at Garwood’s website and saw road moratoriums are still seven to eight years long instead of the standard five years. She also mentioned seeing the commuter-parking permit applications, where Garwood charges $50 and Westfield charges $200. Ms. Capobianco wanted to be sure Garwood was “keeping in line” with other towns.
Mayor Jen Blumenstock said she would have Kyle Harris, borough administrator, take a look at the documents to see if they are up to date. She said officials would review them to ensure they all are updated properly.
Borough Engineer Mike Disko gave his report to the governing body. Mr. Disko said he had yet to hear back from Union County officials regarding if Garwood received any funds from the Infrastructure and Municipal Aid Grant. He said that while in the past the borough had already heard back from Union County by this time, he hoped that a response would be received following the next county commissioners’ meeting, which will take place this evening, April 27.